
Iphone apps wont download
Iphone apps wont download

If you install the app again without restarting that may work, but it won't always work. It is critical to restart the Apple TV after you delete the app because this will guarantee any cached downloads will be removed. When you first run the app go to the scene select tab (called Scenes in most of the apps) and stay there until the downloads complete. Reinstall the app from the App Store (free). Instructions on how to delete apps can be found here.

iphone apps wont download

If restarting does not work you will need to delete the app, restart the Apple TV again, and reinstall the app. The easiest way to do this is from Settings > System > Restart. Do other apps that require Internet on your Apple TV work? If you can connect your device to Ethernet this often helps. If you have problems with the videos downloading please follow these steps:Ĭheck your Internet connection. The apps are required by Apple policy to use Apple’s servers, so sadly we can’t provide an alternative.

iphone apps wont download

Apple’s servers can sometimes fail or be unavailable, which will result in the app showing an error indicating such.

iphone apps wont download

This process will take some time depending on your internet connection. Downloads fail, won't start, stuck on "retry download"Īll of our Apple TV apps download additional videos from Apple’s servers after they are first launched.

Iphone apps wont download